This was a different kind of read for me. First, it tells of dating from the male perspective. Also, it is predominantly set in NYC. After reading Sex & the City (which I really did not like at all), then this book...I am convinced it is NOT the place to go to fall in love. But in all honesty, the two books confirm my suspicions that the majority of single people are just mean when it comes to dating.
At any rate, I did enjoy this one much more than Sex and the City. I enjoyed the characters much more, and I especially identified with Heeb (we chubs who feel unattractive have to stick together). Where Sex and the City was (to me) a series of random, unrelated events, Sex in the Title does have different events that all work together that eventually draw the five main characters together.
I would have liked to have seen a bit more exploration of the married couple. One area of the book dealt with an argument they were having, and the reaction of the wife was a bit overboard to me. But yet it was all explained away later, almost like an after thought. "Oh yea, they realized how much they meant to each other and are stronger than ever." But we didn't get to read about that. We only got the wife acting nutty. So that bothered me just a tad.
I have to say that I did like all of the male characters, and enjoyed the journey they were on. And I would NOT be opposed to reading a sequel to see where they all are now, 12 years and much technology later. THAT would be a great read. My hope is that Heeb (without giving anything away) found his happiness.